3′ x 6′ N scale model train layout

You like wide and impressive landscapes? Picturesque rivers, mountains and gorges? Spiced up with a single-track line that winds its way through a pretty countryside? Then this 3 x 6 N scale model train layout will give inspiration.

From the track plan idea…

Track plan N scale model train layout

…to the finished N scale model train layout:

N scale model train layout

What is it all about? A busy single-track railroad line, embedded in a breathtaking alpine panorama. In the foreground, the line runs in elegant curves over some spectacular bridges. Longer trains come into their own. A huge water reservoir with a dam and a “beer garden” complete the alpine Bavarian idyll. (Yes, we Bavarians love our Biergarten!)

In the background a small train station. Only local trains stop there. However, an extra track allows long-distance trains to pass by. Two additional head-end tracks are dedicated to short shuttle trains. These commuters start and stop here, connecting small villages nearby.

The little station also has a coaling stage and some sidings. This offers us nice shunting tasks. Goods sheds, a brewery and the nearby ballast works are served from the station.

6′ x 3′ track plan

track plan 6x3 N scale model train layout
  • Size: 6 x 3 ft. This corresponds to 182,9 x 91,4 cm
  • Tracks: Fleischmann N gauge (Tracks with ballast)
  • No curved turnouts, no double switch crossings
  • Levels: All tracks on one level. No incline ramps necessary
  • Skills: easy / medium. Modeling the landscape may require some woodwork skills for tunnels, river valleys and the dam


The abstract operating diagram shows: A simple oval and no ramps. So a perfect N scale model train layout for beginners!

Concept rack plan 6' x 3' N scale model train layout

The crossing in the station (marked red in the track plan) is a standard common crossing. It does not create an electric reverse loop. If a double slip switch is used there, this must be extra wired to avoid electric short circuit.

Behind the scenery, a shadow station offers space for some longer trains. Access to the staging yard is via hidden turnouts in the tunnels. So new model train sets can always enter the scene.

N scale model train layout: List of tracks

Download this track plan here:

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Enough tech-talk. You wanna see details.

Model train layout N scale

I realized that N scale model train layout in 2024 with Fleischmann tracks. Actually on a size of 180 x 80 cm, but that’s almost the same as 6′ x 3′. So that idea will work for 6 x 3 feet as well as for other N scale tracks.

Let’s have a closer look at the idyllic station. A bit sleepy today, isn’t it?

station N scale

The short tunnel directly behind the crossing has an important visual function. It creates the illusion that a small line branches off from the main line in the station.

Nearby the Biergarten:

Biergarten beergarden N scale

Explanation for all foreign non-Bavarians: This is a garden where you can sit under beautiful old chestnut trees and drink beer. And you are allowed to bring your own picnic. But i can tell you: Gluing these 1:160 figures was a real Sisyphus-job!

Meanwhile, a freight train on its way:

N scale layout for beginners

A spectacular viaduct crosses the gorge:

Bridge viaduct N scale

Reservoirs are common in the Alps:

dam N scale

From the huge dam there is a dizzying view down into the gorge:

Water reservoir N scale

And the Biergarten needs its supplies:

N scale brewery

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