3′ x 5′ N scale layout
For N scale model railroaders, 3 x 5 is a fine size. The layout fits on a small table, but offers space for nice scenery design. In addition, some interesting train operations are possible.

What is it all about? A relaxed N scale layout on 3 x 5, depicting a lovely rural scenery. A single-track line runs in the foreground on level 0. It disappears on the left in a wide radius under a bridge. On the right, a track branches off from the parade route to a quarry.
On level +1 we see the station with some sidings. A sawmill and a local agricultural cooperative are served from the station. Also worth mentioning is the platform in a curve. Pretty to look at and an attractive task for model builders.
Another nice modeling feature could be the road, which runs in serpentines down to the station area. Some height difference is necessary there because underneath the road runs a tunnel.
The ramps between the two levels are hidden from view. Due to the compact size of this 3 x 5 N scale track plan, slopes must be built precisely. Some additional hatches are recommended. Behind the backdrop we have a staging yard which offers space for two model trains. Let’s reveal the secret:
3′ x 5′ N scale track plan
This layout is roughly based on the figure “8”, which is folded to make a good length of the runaround loop. I think, this idea rocks!

- Size: 3 x 5. This corresponds to 91.4 x 152.4 cm (approx.)
- Kato Unitrack (N gauge)
- Slight deviations in measurements are possible. Track planning software isn’t 100% accurate
- Skills: Medium. Woodworks for tunnels, mountains and slopes. Some length modifications for tracks necessary. More: Adjusting KATO Tracks to size (YouTube)
- Bridge must fit the radius of the curve
- Gradient / incline: 4 % (approx.)
- 9 turnouts / points
- No crossings, no double switch crossings, no curved tournouts
- Shadow station easily accessible from the rear

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