3 x 4 N scale track plan

This size is perfect for all who prefer a compact model railway layout. You can depict attractive sceneries on a 3 x 4 N scale layout. Here comes an idea for a harbour.

3 x4 N scale layout with harbour

3x4 track plan N scale layout with harbour

What is it all about? This N gauge harbour track plan is made for shunting. So there is no classic runaround oval. Instead, we see sidings, cranes, quay facilities, ships, silos and some industry.

Worth to mention is the sluice in the upper left corner. It hides a track which runs underneath the “water surface”. Take a thin board as a cover on which the water is modeled. The net headroom in the sluice basin must be high enough for a model train. Let’s reveal the secret:

3x4 track plan N gauge layout

So this N gauge port provides appealing height staggerings both in terms of water and track layout. The water level in the sluice basin is high, the basin is “filled” with water. The water surface in front of the sluice gate is at a lower level. Tracks are also placed on two levels.

Operation: This port track plan could also be seen as a kind of inglenook. The task is to put wagons together in a predefined order. To do this, the shunting locomotive takes wagons from the various sidings. The rail yard on the right-hand side is intended for assembling a longer train. More: Inglenook track plan & concept

The bridge has several functions. It looks nice (a harbour should have a bridge, right?), the shunting loco needs that track to pull out wagons and it could make a connection to another model railroad segment.

Facts 3 x 4 N gauge track plan

  • Fleischmann tracks (with ready made ballast bed)
  • Size: 3′ x 4′. This corresponds to 91.4 x 121.9 cm (approx.)
  • Gradient form level 0 to level 1 approximately 4 %
  • No tight R1 curve radii. Minimum radius is R2
  • Small budget, only 4 turnouts
  • Slight deviations in measurements are possible. Track planning software isn’t 100% accurate
3x4 layout list of tracks

Download this track-plan here:

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