Clever layout with timesaver & inglenook

You like switching puzzles? Coupling and uncoupling freight wagons? Then have a look at the following N scale shunting layout with two integrated modules called “timesaver” and “inglenook”. They provide switching tasks galore on compact 5′ x 30”.

Shunting track plan N scale 5′ x 30”

N scale switching layout with timesaver and inglenook

What is it all about? We see an industrial region somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Sooty houses, industrial buildings and lots of sidings characterize the scene. Most of the industry buildings have to be customized and fantasized. Kitbashing fans can go wild here!

A street runs elevated in the middle of the layout. Let’s have some backyards here to match the industrial ambience.

A small train station for commuters indicates that not only freight trains run on this N scale layout. To bring the workers to their jobs, a pedestrian bridge leads directly from the platform to the elevated road.

But the key feature of this track plan are 2 shunting areas. Both have a standardized track layout, called “The Inglenook” and “The Timesaver”.

What is a timesaver?

It’s a kind of shunting puzzle first created by the US model railroader John Allen. The standard timesaver track plan consists of 5 turnouts. The task in a nutshell: Freight wagons must be delivered to each siding. Yes. To each siding.

Timesaver track plan

Timesaver track plan

What is an inglenook?

It’s a track layout which consists of three sidings. It was first introduced by the british railroader Alan Wright. The task in a nutshell: Put a freight train together with wagons in a defined order.

Inglenook track plan

Inglenook track plan

Timesaver and ingleook can be operated independently on this N gauge layout. A runaround loop connects both switching modules.

So this track plan is ideal for operation by 2 people. A scenic divider provides visual separation. The backdrop could be placed on the elevation in the middle of the layout:

Switching layout concept & operation timesaver & inglenook

N scale track plan with timesaver & inglenook

N gauge switching layout with timesaver & inglenook


  • N gauge track plan with timesaver & inglenook (switching layout)
  • Width: Five feet. Depth: Two and a half feet (= 5′ x 30”)
  • Corresponds to 152.4 x 76.2 cm (approx.)
  • Tracks: Fleischmann N gauge (tracks with ready made ballast bed)
  • No slopes. All tracks on ground level 0

Download this track-plan here:

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